Season 3, Episode 8. Shield your trademark – Peter Hlavnicka and Anthony Keats

Those closest to you are the ones capable of causing more significant harm. So for our last episode of the season, we talked with Peter Hlavnicka and Anthony Keats about trademark protection and their books: “Protecting the Brand: Counterfeiting and Grey Markets” and “Protecting the Brand: Busting the Bootlegs.” Continue reading Season 3, Episode 8. Shield your trademark – Peter Hlavnicka and Anthony Keats

Season 3, Episode 6. Coverage for accidental IP infringement – Patrick R. Goold

An action can cause an unwanted or unforeseen consequence. If we did not intent intellectual property infringement, shouldn’t we find a way to protect ourselves against such missteps? Patrick R. Goold recounts his book “IP Accidents: Negligence Liability in Intellectual Property”. Continue reading Season 3, Episode 6. Coverage for accidental IP infringement – Patrick R. Goold

Season 3, Episode 5. Against progress – Jessica Silbey

Give me your creations, inventions and innovations, and I will give you back exclusive rights for the greater good of humanity is the general promise of the intellectual property system. Our guest Jessica Silbey details if IP is keeping its promise while explaining how to guide the conversation toward the needed change. Continue reading Season 3, Episode 5. Against progress – Jessica Silbey

Season 3, Episode 2. In the name of science? Copyright vs. Open Access – Professor John Willinsky

Can Open Access be the answer to hinder widespread misinformation? What role does Copyright play? Professor John Willinsky talks about the changes needed in the US Copyright Law and his book “Copyright’s Broken Promise: How to Restore the Laws Ability to Promote the Progress of Science”. Continue reading Season 3, Episode 2. In the name of science? Copyright vs. Open Access – Professor John Willinsky