Season 1, Episode 4. Internationally renowned designer and director: Zoa Martinez – Trademark

We talk about trademark with the internationally renowned designer and director Zoa Martinez. She is the recipient of over 150 international design and marketing awards, including Emmys, Promax/BDA, Tellys, Clio, Graphic Design USA, and the New York Film Festival, and more.

Shield your trademark – Peter Hlavnicka and Anthony Keats Intangiblia™

Those closest to you are the ones capable of causing more significant harm. So for our last episode of the season, we talked with Peter Hlavnicka and Anthony Keats about trademark protection and their books: “Protecting the Brand: Counterfeiting and Grey Markets” and “Protecting the Brand: Busting the Bootlegs.”
  1. Shield your trademark – Peter Hlavnicka and Anthony Keats
  2. Designing your protection – Margaret Polson
  3. Coverage for accidental IP infringement – Patrick R. Goold
  4. Against progress – Jessica Silbey
  5. Trademark yourself – Shondra Cheris

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One thought on “Season 1, Episode 4. Internationally renowned designer and director: Zoa Martinez – Trademark

  1. Es bueno escuchar las entrevista que realiza la abogada Caminero, pues se aprende sobre los derechos de los autores de una manera clara y precisa como ella lo explica, continué así pues nos ayuda a conocer nuestros derechos, éxitos en su carrera.


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